Monday, March 19, 2012

Promises and Perspective

My best-friend Jennifer Daniel and her amazing husband Brian were our hosts in South Hill. We love them so much.

Matthew 19:29
"And anyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property for MY name's sake will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life."

This was the scripture the pastor of South Hill Church of God read over us yesterday after we shared our ministry with his congregation. It is one that I have heard many times growing up in the church, but yesterday the sword of the WORD hit its mark in my very core. This promise from the Holy Bible was exactly what I needed to hear yesterday, and it is what I need to meditate on today. In fact, our entire weekend with dear friends, who have become family, was exactly what we needed at precisely the right time.

Ministry is tiring. It is all about people, and all about sharing oneself with others in order that the Lord may allow both parties to grow. Leading up to our trip to South Hill, VA., our family was exhausted. We were worn out from the grueling pace we keep on the ministry support trail, and also from the relentless work we engage in during daily life while at home. We seldom are still, and we work hard together as a family. We receive great joy from the blessing of hard work, but this past week we were feeling burnt out, and when this happens fear and sadness creep in. We begin to concentrate on the things of this world, and the little annoyances of every day life. We become more selfish, and we become less focused on what truly matters.

We had so much to do at the house when we began to pack the car for South Hill, and if it were not for the incentive of getting to see my best friend, I would have had a very poor attitude about getting back into the car to speak at yet another church. We persevered through the fatigue and got into the car, and we are more whole today because of it.

We loaded into the car last Friday afternoon spent. We returned home late last night renewed. The time we spent with the dear people of South Hill this past weekend changed us. Their words washed over our bodies and refreshed us. Their prayers lifted us up. Their love and support gave us the resolve to carry on. It is the type of connection that makes you feel alive, and leaves you wishing everybody could experience this same joy. It is so hard to describe, and yet you feel you must attempt to tell others of the importance of fellowship with other believers.

In our fatigue we had begun concentrating on leaving. We had become preoccupied with saying, "goodbye," and less occupied with seeking Jesus' face. Yesterday, my friend's husband spoke on being able to accomplish supernatural feats when we focus on Jesus and not the task at hand. Concentrating on Jesus is precisely how we have been able to get thus far in ministry. Lately, however, we have begun to focus on the little details of ministry and leaving our loved ones, and not the reason behind it all. Just like Peter walking on the water, we have been able to accomplish super natural things these past few years. It makes no sense to unbelievers, and baffles those of little faith, but it has ONLY been JESUS. When we get out of communion with Him, we can accomplish nothing. The water He made solid under our feet becomes fluid again and we sink. If we do not quickly correct our perspective we will drown in our attempts to work things out on our own.

When the pastor read Matthew 19:29 over us yesterday it corrected our perspective. It brought the true purpose of our ministry into focus once again. The words reminded us that God saw what would trip us up about leaving for the mission field thousands of years before we were even created in our mother's wombs, and He cared enough to include a loving, reassuring promise in His Scripture.

"And anyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property for MY name's sake will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life."

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