I am eternally grateful for all the blessings the Lord has bestowed on our boys. They have a great deal going for them in this life, and Richard and I have always been so thankful for the gifts and abilities our mini men posses. We have often told our boys they may rely on many God given attributes as they navigate through life, but that the glory must always go to the Great Giver of Gifts. On the other hand, my boys also know there is one thing they do not, and most likely will not be able to rely on in this life; the highly valued commodity called money.
Our boys are acutely aware of the sacrifices we have made as parents, and are equally as aware of the fact our choices result in a modest lifestyle at best. They have learned to go without, and they have learned to give. Don't get me wrong, my boys are suffering for nothing, but they know as missionary kids they are on a path that will not allow for a great deal of bankable assets throughout their young years. They are young, but I believe they understand this concept.
Last night while our family huddled around yet another booth, at yet another McDonald's, in yet another state, Aron Elijah's innocent words brought perspective to the topic of wealth. We were on our way home from a week long Ministry Partnership trip throughout the entire state of Ohio and into Michigan. Rich and I were running on fumes, and the boy's table chatter seemed removed from us. All of the sudden I tuned into what Aron was saying. He cocked his little head to the side and looking at his older brother with a sideways glance he inquired, "Aden, do you love Jesus?" Aden replied, "Yes, of course I do." Then, with equal parts awe and envy Aron responded, "Ohhh, Aden you are rich!"
Richard and I shared a quick look that confirmed what each of us had just heard. We also shared a moment of thankfulness, and a tear. As parents we try to make the best decisions we can using the BIBLE as the ultimate authority, and the SPIRIT to guide us. But there are moments when human doubt creeps in and we wonder how all of the recent changes will effect our boys long term. Last night, it was as though the Lord gave Richard and I yet another gift. Through the innocent words of our 5-year-old son, He told us that our boys are getting IT. They see with eyes not many adults have, and are content with their status in this life.
My boys are not rich by man's standards. They all wear hand-me-down clothes, but we have never gone without. They ride around town in a beat up old car, but it was provided for our family in a miraculous way. No, my boys will never hear the words, "you are rich," from their peers. But they love Jesus, they talk to Him, they read about Him, they memorize His words, and they are indeed very wealthy in the currency of the soul. The fact that they can distinguish this at such young ages is nothing short than a gift from God. It is my prayer that this eternal wealth continues to enrich their lives as they grow into mighty men!
Matthew 6:31-33
“Do not worry then, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’ “For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
Beautifully said Megan. You have a gift of cutting to the heart of what is important. I read your post a couple of times. Encouraging words of family life. I'm happy to have met these 4 mini men ( and their parents)!
Wow! What a precious gift and sweet moment. So excited the boys are "getting it" and that you had the privilege of hearing them share that with one another.
Love and miss you guys!
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