I have heard many people name those who inspire them. The name of an athlete, minister, missionary, soldier, or historical figure usually comes to mind when people consider inspirational men and women. I, however, am inspired by my son.
Aron is the strongest person I know, and it has nothing to do with his over developed muscles. I have known him for a little under five years, and yet he has inspired me to work harder, love bigger, and forgive more. The way in which he attacks life and overcomes any obstacle in his path causes me to consider my own fortitude and resilience. But Aron Elijah is more than just a tough, rambunctious little boy. His HEART is fierce, and although this attribute requires constant redirection on the part of his parents, I am inspired by my little boy's capacity to care.
He has overcome a lot already. I am sure there is a label out there for our Aron, but we don't use it. We don't need it. He is our Aron Elijah, and he is fantastic. At first glance he seems a constant contradiction. He struggles to count to 10, but has mastered just about any video game there is. He cannot sing the alphabet song, and yet he belts out the words to "At the Cross," with conviction and heart. He turns stiff and rigid if I reach out to hug him, and yet he yearns for me to wrestle him. It is a push and pull with him, he pushes us away and yet he desperately needs us to pull him close to us.
My son does not look at life like the rest of the world, and that is what inspires me the most. Aron is constantly standing things on end for me, and I will always be grateful for the perspective and depth he has given me. I am a better person because of him.
So, when I feel like giving up or not trying my best, Aron always comes to mind. I think of him walking around this week on his heel because of quarter sized blister on the bottom of his foot. I see the image of him aggressively playing soccer on that same blister, and I hear him bravely answer the question to how his foot feels; "It's bad, but I fine." He seems to cut the fat out of life, and what is left is pure muscle. I love his tenacity, but even more I love his capacity love in the most unique ways. He is, and forever will be, my hero.
1 comment:
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You're an AMAZING mom!! You have the ability to see things in such a positive way and I envy that. If only we could get a little of Aron in my MD ;) I mean, just the "bump" in his nose had his crying 3 nights in a row... Love you!!
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