Sunday, September 11, 2011

Grandpa Bob

Before we went to Idaho I was filled with trepidation over the thought of leaving my sons all day long with a perfect stranger. I committed it to prayer, and waited anxiously for MAF to contact us with the name of our children's sitter. About two weeks before we were supposed to leave for candidacy we received an email informing us that a Mr. Bob Gregory would be caring for our children 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. I was less than happy about this assignment. My first inclination was to ask the Lord, "why?" I had felt betrayed by God, because I had trusted him completely with my children's care and he had allowed an older, MAN to care for my boys. I was not comfortable with this at all. Not that I have anything against men, in fact I respect and admire quite a few of them, but I had never met this man and I had been praying for a nurturing woman.

I had no choice but to trust MAF, to trust Bob Gregory, and to trust my God. Although,I was uncomfortable and had many questions, the Lord did bring a peace and we made our trek west.

Yesterday, I received and email from Bob Gregory, and it summarized the divine assignment and connection our family experienced this summer in Idaho. Grandpa Bob, as we now refer to him, wanted us to know first of all how very much he misses us. Secondly, how much he loves us. He also went on to say that he and his wife have been praying for us continually, and that they want to be devoted, continual supporters of our ministry in Lesotho.

The boys sat quietly listening to Grandpa Bob's words, and many eyes filled with tears. It is hard to define or describe the connection that was made between this man and our family, but I cannot talk about him without referring to what a complete and utter answer to prayer he has been.

You see, he not only watched my boys this summer, he poured life and love into them. They now know the difference between mint and potato crops. Can define foothills, and have seen a 6 ft. fish. He tumbled, chased, and carted my four boys around the greater Boise area with a sweet smile and gentle loving eyes. He, along with my niece Marisa, made it possible for me to do the impossible.

Grandpa Bob's commitment to partner with our ministry has done something else for our family as well. It has shown us first hand how the Lord is assembling our team, not us! Three months ago we did not even know this man, nor could we have ever foreseen the impact he has had on all our lives. Today, he is one of our biggest supporters. God did that. Not Richard. Not Megan. God!

Abe still asks for him. Alex still gets teary eyed talking about he and his family. Aron and Aden are counting the months until we travel back to Idaho to see Grandpa Bob, and I still whisper, "thank you Jesus." Thank you for bringing this extra-ordinary man into our lives. God gives us the desires of our hearts. It may not look the way we think it should. It may not be in our timing, but he is a GREAT God and He always does best.


Greenwald Flight Following said...

I must admit that reading this just brought tears to my eyes and sweet pictures of Grandpa Bob outside with the boys as we would go to and from our apartments and the MAF building. I am so very glad that God is going before you and your family in a very obvious way as you seek out the Team that He has already begun calling and forming together. We love you greatly and can't wait to see you all - caravan to Idaho?!? Much love and prayers, my friend. Ash

Bonni said...

Totally made me cry. What an awesome God we serve!